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I was just made aware that previously only registered users were able to leave comments on my posts! But now I've managed to changed the settings and everyone is welcome to add their thoughts!

( I guess this explains why people have been emailing their comments=] )

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Erik Vervroegan and Philippe Meunier

From Adalert

This post was originally supposed to be about the "4 Creative Personalities", but unfortunately because of time constraints it will have to wait til the next post.

So instead, I thought I'd share a video interview (with Erik Vervroegan and Philippe Meunier) that released last week. In case you don't know, Erik Vervroegan is the former ECD of TBWA Paris and Philippe Meunier is one of the co founders of Sid Lee.

The guys on IHAI invited people to submit questions for the interview with the two 'superstar creatives', and I was lucky enough to get two of mine forwarded. The first one was directed at Erik and was a response to an interview he had done ages ago, where he said that the secret to his success as a creative was/is;

"money and power are not appealing to me" and "I think the secret is to always stay fresh and to not be bothered by things that have nothing to do with your job like money or internal politics."

The second question was for Philippe, whom I basically asked;

"What do you think of digital agencies, and how do you think they will effect the future of our industry?"

So if you've not yet seen the interview click through here, or copy/paste in your browser.


Friday, 13 February 2009

bare with me...

For the past week I've been really busy working so unfortunately I've not had time to update the blog, but things have finally cooled down a bit, so stay alert, the next post is coming later tonight!


Sunday, 8 February 2009

And the winner is....

Daniel Chetian from Art Center in California


Finally we have the winner of the 'Nail-Clipper' brief! This was a very tough one, so I'd like to say thanks to everyone who had a stab at it. Especially Daniel Chetian!

All the 'judges' were in agreement and believed that Daniel's execution was the most successful as it demonstrated a very simple and self explanatory product in a unique, simple and humorous way. Also, having read my brief they all felt that the idea was bang on(literally), which is another reason why they chose it as the winning idea!

I'd also like to mention that although briefs/ideas like this are good additions to your book, they should not be the main focus of you portfolio as they may not be very plausible, but they're great for showing your own unique way of thinking. CD's/Senior Creatives love to see great ideas that are not necessarily 'conventional' ads or advertising related at all. This is something I believe all students should try to do.

Well done Daniel! And again, thanks for all those who entered their ideas!

Also, watch out for the next brief, it's a really good one, and not as 'creatively restrictive' as nail-clippers.


PS. I'm working on getting some sort of reward for the winners, placements are the most likely at the moment, but might prove to be difficult considering we had ideas coming in from all over the world. But like I said, I'm working on it!

Sunday, 1 February 2009

Busy busy bee...

From Adalert

I've been meaning to write something for the past few days but, unfortunately, I have been really busy! The main thing that has taken up a lot of my time is the freelance gig I've been doing since last week. But also the 'nail-clipper' competition, catching up on some TV (UFC94, BSG, Master Chef =]) and preparing for a meeting with a potentially great future partner!

To be completely honest though, I've also had a tough time deciding between two topics for the next post! Those two being a: How important are Power, Money and Internal Politics for Creatives and b: The 4 "Creative" Personalities.

So if you have the time (or interest), please write a quick comment on which you would be most interested to read!
