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I was just made aware that previously only registered users were able to leave comments on my posts! But now I've managed to changed the settings and everyone is welcome to add their thoughts!

( I guess this explains why people have been emailing their comments=] )

Sunday, 1 February 2009

Busy busy bee...

From Adalert

I've been meaning to write something for the past few days but, unfortunately, I have been really busy! The main thing that has taken up a lot of my time is the freelance gig I've been doing since last week. But also the 'nail-clipper' competition, catching up on some TV (UFC94, BSG, Master Chef =]) and preparing for a meeting with a potentially great future partner!

To be completely honest though, I've also had a tough time deciding between two topics for the next post! Those two being a: How important are Power, Money and Internal Politics for Creatives and b: The 4 "Creative" Personalities.

So if you have the time (or interest), please write a quick comment on which you would be most interested to read!



Anonymous said...

4 personalities sounds interesting

Stew said...

What's going on with that Bee picture?

Stew said...

Check out this. Brilliant.

And I'm not really a Coldplay fan.